Ivory, the real one, was already known and used since ancient times for the creation of jewelry, objects and various furnishings. In recent centuries, however, its excessive use has led to a drastic suppression of elephants almost to the point of reducing them to extinction, so much so that today their killing is prohibited.
So, we try to replace its cerulean beauty and shine with various surrogates such as ivorin, plastic, porcelain, glass and vegetable ivory; and it is precisely the latter that I want to talk to you!
The "Tagua" also called vegetable ivory is the seed of a palm tree (elephant plant) that grows wild in the rainforests of South America, once dried it takes on a color and texture very similar to animal ivory, and can be easily dyed and processed.
I like the idea that Tagua is used as a substitute for animal ivory, so, at least in part, it contributes to the preservation of elephants...
I like to think about nature: the long time that palm trees take to produce the nuts from which the seeds will come out that once ripe will need a lot of time to dry and be used ...
I also like to imagine the indigenous peoples of the Amazon who for millennia have known and used the Tagua not only to create ornaments and objects of common use but also to heal themselves ...

I discovered this material thanks to a friend who, returning from a trip to South America, brought me some bracelets made with Tagua seeds proposing to decorate them.
Inspired by the unusual material I indulged myself with silver and bronze, semi-precious stones, corals and enamels; thus obtaining a surprising and extravagant collection.
Gratified by the success of this work, and excited to be able to use an ecological material I am preparing a new collection for the next season of which I anticipate some pieces ...
On the shop you will have more information and prices!